When in Canada, Oak Island is definitely a place you will want to see. This island, shrouded in mystery for hundreds of years, can be investigated by booking a “Walk The Mystery Tour.” Actual digging and searching for the treasure, that supposedly lies in a location called The Money Pit, is not allowed. The amazing history of the island is enough to keep your mind busy for days, if not years speculating about this vastly explored island and its hidden treasure.

For those not aware of the history surrounding Oak Island, it has been believed that there is a hidden treasure buried deep under the ground in a location called The Money Pit. Over the years many private companies as well as people have tried searching for the treasure. Though many unusual things have been found, none have been treasure The excavating excursions have cost not only millions of dollars but also have claimed the lives of numerous people in the past. It is said that Oak Island is the site of the most costly treasure hunt ever recorded in history.
The island has only recently been made re-accessible to the public, but only on a guided tour basis. As there are still many shafts on the island, it would certainly be a dangerous place to explore by yourself. In the past the island has been bought and sold by many organizations and companies.
Though it might sound unbelievable, there are some famous names in history connected to the mysteries on Oak Island. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was part owner of the company that did some digging on the island. Even when Roosevelt was out of office he continued to get updates about the developments on Oak Island. Even Edgar Allen Poe and Shakespeare are a part of this unbelievable mystery, which is claimed not only lives and money, but has been speculated upon by millions of people all over the world. Even the History Channel has made a full documentary on Oak Island. Chances are that your tour guide will be the man featured in the documentary on the History Channel, Charles Barkhouse, Oak Island historian.

Though a lot can be learned from taking a tour such as this one, there is still much secrecy involved with this island and the possible treasure buried beneath it. The History Channel features an area called the war room, which is off-limits to the public and is top secret. One would assume that the stories of buried treasure must be true, or there would be nothing secretive, and nothing hidden. I highly recommend taking a look for yourself, and drawing your own conclusions.

Scott Kuli
I read an interview with an actual engineer years ago about this.
He said if he was in charge of getting to the so called “vault” he would be at it in 2 weeks.
That was back in the eighties that I read that.
There is nothing there and the people who own the island know it. They’re just trying to recover the riiculous amount of money they’ve sunk into it through putting on a TV show.
What is the area near the site of the Money Pit, but off to one side very slightly towards Smith’s Cove and just before a rise in elevation, that appears to be a depression that’s terraced using large whitish rocks ? It seems to show up a lot in the background or in aerial shots, but I’ve never seen it described or labelled.
SB Wilson
The Oak Island investigating team call it the garden shaft.
The Plymouth colony flying a flag with a white field bearing a red cross is no proof of a Templar connection or a Plymouth/Oak Island connection. That was the national flag of England at the time, and had been since about the 13th century. The Union Jack came with James I/VI, but, by decree, was only supposed to be flown on crown ships. Citizens of England and Scotland flew their separate flags (again, by decree), bearing the cross of St. George (red on white) and the cross of St. Andrew (white saltire on blue) respectively, and that’s what would have applied in 1620. With the Act of Union (between England and Scotland) in 1707, a version of the Union Jack that incorporated the separate flags of Scotland and England became the national flag. The Union Jack underwent another change in 1801 with another Act of Union (between Great Britain and Ireland). That’s the current flag of the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”; no change was made to the flag in 1922 when Ireland became the Irish Free State (later, the Republic of Ireland, or Eire) and Ireland was partitioned.
There may be other evidence of the connection laid out on the show and elsewhere, but the flag isn’t part of it.
Jack M Siesmen
We are watching
It is to stay buried.
To raise it now would lead to nothing but war
Alan Lowey
I’m convinced it was a tidal gauge, the sophisticated engineers were leaving a message for the future generations.
There is evidence from the Piri Reis map combined with the Oak Island tidal gauge that the sea level will begin to drop by around 20m in 700 years time and then start to rise again 200 years later. Strange but true?
Portuguese cartographers mapped the east coast of South America and then sailed east, mapping the exposed coastline of Antarctica, despite it seemingly covered in ice today. If the sea level was 20m lower than today, then the coastline would have receded away from the ice and been visible from the ocean.
On the Oak Island map, the distance between the higher of the two tunnels and current sea level is around 20m.
It implies that the abrupt climate change from around 1300-1500CE increased polar snowfall so much that sea-level dropped by a huge amount.
Almost unbelievable.. but true?
Michael j kondor
This is my fourth letter saying how much I love the curse of oak island . I think they are finally getting close to the original pit and the mystery will be solved . I hope they can really fiqure this mystery out cause it will be an interesting tourist attraction . I think Marty and rick should grow grapes on the island in the future and put an additional winery and museum to the treasure even if it is never found . I wish I had a bottle of there wine in the worse way to celebrate when they have sucess . I love the way they spend carefully digging to find clues to solve this mystery. It’s the best show on history tv.
Michae j kondor
I now have all six seasons on dvd and I am so happy I watch them over and over again because this is the best shoe on the history channel lots of victims of this show watch it also and are as addicted as I am. My wife is not she does not like Tuesdays cause I am so crazy waiting for it to come on cause I am sure it is the night something is going to happen and then they find more rocks dirt and rocks. But it is only a matter of time till something big will finally happen. Rick Marty. All of them are my Tuesday night hero’s. So just wait it’s coming the curse of oak island will be solved Mike kondor
Cannons to the right of them, cannons to the left of them….volley, volley…….and PLUNDERRRRR!!!!
Rita F Silva
Am I the only one who has noticed that the pictures of the stone triangle look like a sailing ship with a sail on top and a hull on the bottom?
Hammerson Peters
That’s a great point. I never noticed that.
Michael j kondor
I have not missed one episode of this show and have season 1 2 3 on dvds I wish they would sell season 4 and 5 but I haven’t seen it for sale yet on dvd Michal j Kondor
I was watching the show for a couple years and I got burned out. I thought it was being dragged out. Then I saw a commercial for the show and saw something that peaked interest once again. I got hooked on the history that you guys, of “the fellowship of the dig” have exposed and made real. And I think that that’s what gets people hooked on watching and wanting to be apart of your fellowship. That history was so dry and far away that all it was was a good story. But once you bring up a artifact or the incredible historical facts that Zena has uncovered it’s become real. And I think that people almost everyone wanted to find the gold and treasures at first. But when those things came out of the ground they wanted to see that history that no one really thought was real, like the Knights Templar’s. Zena made them real. That’s what hooked me.
It’s funny that everyone that you have came into contact with to work on finding the money pit have also gotten hooked and want to help but then the history hooked them and wanted to be a part if. When I was in high school history was so boring but now for the last 25 years I’ve been hook on the history of the wars, government, and the central banks and how they have shaped history. And now the real part history that no one knew, now it is.
Thanks for finding the real historical artifacts and sharing them with us.
How does it feel to be the first ones to touch one of those artifacts like the bolt after hundreds of years?
Can’t add anything to the mystery other than review the “chests with loose metals” found at the 90-100 foot level; these might have served as counterbalance devices for a gate/pulley system that would allow access to the tunnels shown in the diagram. This type of technology is utilized in gatehouses that allow water transfers along man-made canals.
Old luddite
Simple questions of logic immediately cast doubt on the overall issue of any consequential treasure remaining on this island. First, we are supposed to believe sailors and pirates, not advanced engineers, created a vast, sophisticated system of incredibly deep shafts, connecting tunnels too small to crawl through for hundreds of feet, all while somehow keeping the seawater and underground seepage likely from natural caves from flooding their work prematurely? The history is actually pretty suspect as well, given the first dig was initiated after seeing essentially ghostly lights above the site – would normal folks not have pursued the lights first to see who they belonged to? Then, the normal idea of hiding treasure is to come back later – no one ever booby trapped their own stash so even they could not retrieve it later. If any treasure was plausibly left there, it was likely found by the few who mysteriously thrived from their time on the island, and the grand tall tales might well have been fabricated to mislead, put people off the more mundane alternatives. Most of the “amazing” findings are trivial artifacts of island traffic over centuries; stuff brought up from latest shafts may well have been from the fill pushed back into the huge excavation holes dug fifty years ago. A laborforce of thousands still could not have so completely hidden anything with such elaborate security, against modern technology. Sinkholes and detritus left from three centuries of visitors explains most everything, and as soon as they throw in everything from the Grail and Ark of the Covenant to Shakespeare and Aztec fortunes, one may as well just toss in Egyptians in flying pyramids with alien GPS.
A few years back, a tour boat guide on an excursion out of Lunenberg, NS (Mahone Bay), reviewed some of the history found in the immediate area. The comment that I took home with me was that gold had been discovered on another island in the area; one can only speculate as to how advanced a mine shaft would have been in the day.
Bill Owen
Chest and hand is totally fake. I know the guys who put them there. LOL
Who would go to all that trouble to hide something and not come back for it…..
bo v
If something significant is found, will the public know before the tv show airs it ?
Also what became of the supposed 3 small chests that the boys found ?”
What a fuckin crock of shit….. I wasted my time watching this bullshit. Extremely disappointed!
Luxi Turna
My gggrandparents met near here. Andrea Lee lived in Halifax. William VanDeusen came in on a ship as a Shipmate. Maybe he worked on Oak Island about 1890’s.
Following your show on TV in episode 4-12, 4-13… You had something translated from French to English. You had the word Islande (something near to that word) I am French, watched the entire series, and that word to me is closer to Cinquante followed with CINQ that you translated. So Fifty five should be the answer in my book. Hopefully that can help you, or make sense in your Quest!!!
Edward Tuminaro
“I Believe”
gus mclovin
Oak Island has had many, many dwellers over the past thousand years. Among other things, oaks were valuable to shipbuilders. I believe Oak Island was a working port for someone for many years… likely the Templars. The stories of the Islands assests would have been well known to sailors. I believe there may be an element of truth to many of the theories. The swamp?…created for the wildlife… hey a Knight’s gotta eat. Such a remote outpost would have to fend for themselves. A swamp would provide a lot of meat, feathers and leather. Many of the “clues” may have a very simple and logical explanation if applied to life 500 years ago.
ernest jones
There’s a story of a English cap who hid a treasure on the east coast. Could be the same
ernest jones
If the cannons they fortified the island with are gone.but they left the treasure. Look for the ships that are sunk around the island. You would have better luck.
ernest jones
The well that became an investor scam.
ernest jones
Historian should be there investing one of the worlds first water purification systems. Before treasure hunters Fuck it up.
ernest jones
It’s a water purification system turning salt water into fresh water.treasures long gone.a member of my family and others is why they where stuck on that island.
Susan wholrabe
I was just thinking whom ever buried something what they are thinking if they could look down and see what people have been doing to find the treasure. I bet they are having a good day laugh. Saying, boy we did a good job hiding that treasure.
Ken Bicknell
Well it has been exactly one year since we spoke last.Remember the wood findings and now we find out you have no stone.Let me translate the message is below is 60 million
in fake gold.There is a treasure on Oak Island but it’s not in thw money pit.
You need hundreds of metal detectors, there are many clubs who would die at the chance to help
Or havr a contest covering the Entire Island. Love the show
Greg Bailey
treasure found 1963, ask Canadian government… one short interview with antiquities dept. would confirm this.
Barbara DiMino
What if it is a natural made cavern with an entrance through a hole that has been hidden or a hidden hatch. The cavern could have been flooded when they dug straight down or may have broken down and flooded over time. Yes I am hooked on watching it. Digging up or down into a cavern is a possibility.
Dan F
It bothers me that they go back to the New Ross site and once again go down the well but pretend that it hasnt been already explored 3 and half years ago on history’s channel American Unearthed and they went into a vault down there and there is a map showing they discovered another vault room below the bottom of the well in New Ross with nothing in it .Just another empty dead end where there was something there probably at one time or maybe they just dont want to show any findings because it jusg goes to the government and they lose all that money and time put in to it and probably just get a tax write off and a plaque or hide what u find with exception to something like the ark or king Solomons minor religious treasures. Kinda hard to seĺl or hide anything to significant. Still love watching, addicted i guess.Just hate the dragging out of repeated information.
Ron Krause
For the first time, I just watched the previous episodes of documentary on the History channel. The producers of this documentary sure stretch the show out, but makes a person curious if they will actually find something? They got me hooked now (perhaps that is the idea of it all?)
George Edmunds
When will everyone wake up and see sense, there is no buried treasure on Oak Island, never has been, who’s going to dig a hole 200ft deep?? Pirates never buried anything more than 10ft deep, neither did the Spanish. The first 60 years of the Money Pit is just a story handed down, there were no records of what went on. Opportunists cashed in – ‘Look there’s a hole there, must be treasure down there, more money please!’ WHY HAS NOTHING EVER BEEN FOUND?? Read the new book ‘Anson’s Gold’ by George Edmunds. You will also find the Freemasons may have had something to do with it!!
Al Barrs
Don’t be a pessimist, dreams are what keeps people young…
Great show and great quest! Like you two , I read the same Readers Digest back in High School. Been intrigued ever since..Actually met the the family just before they moved out
to Oak Island. They were finishing up at the PNE here in Vancouver.with their “Ride Of Death” I think it was.
The 37 Responses below me had some good points.
I have a few.First, I don’t believe there ever was a treasure in the money pit
The so called Treasure must have been buried in the 1600’s Who would do that and how was it done? Why bury so deep and then booby trap it? and finally…How were THEY going to get it out?
I would say that the Treasure is buried in vaults underground and above the Tide Level.
You just haven’t found it yet.Wait a minute…You did find a man made wall when you bought those machines…what about that?
Thank you
Good Luck
Bill Owen
The chests and hands were deliberately put there by the diving company as Blankenship was getting cold feet. It’s total bullshit.
Krin Patrie
Those were a lot of good questions posted, and I do not have answers, but I do let people know what the island was like to live on in the 17-1800’s. If you are interested in our old family stories check out “Oak Island Connection” Life is an exciting quest, but those of us searching for the answers to Oak Island are on an extra exciting journey.
Mike V
The facts:1) Multiple artifacts have been found and catalogued that are foreign to Oak Island.
2) Major construction similar to the building of the pyramids has taken place in the past. Considerable intelligence went into the construction of these tunnels/shafts.
3) If the translation on the 90 foot stone exists and is to be believed, then 90 + 40 = 130 feet. There was no treasure of the magnitude found at this level that would justify such extensive commitment to labour and time. NOTE: the stone does not refer to treasure, just weight.
The construction of these tunnels and floodways would command a legion of men, camped for an extended period of time on the Island. The location of their camp might add another clue in solving the mystery of Oak Island. There would have to be metal artifacts remaining from their camps – metal cups, plates, forks, etc
The nagging questions I have: Who decided to use Oak Island? One individual, or a group of people? Were these people related religiously, from the same country? Why Oak Island, or any Island this far north; one would be fighting cold weather, mosquitoes, black flies and the cold waters of the Atlantic.Any Caribbean Island would be more suitable. Why bury a stone 90 feet into the dirt with a misleading inscription?
Why bury so much treasure in one place? Better to spread it around to different locations in case some is found.
Finally, with the technology we have today – horizontal drilling (ie “fracking”), deep sea drilling and photography equipment, it should be relatively inexpensive to send a camera down these shafts and photograph the chambers in high definition.
Regardless, good luck to those working the money pit, et al, currently and in the future. My only wish is that I am still alive to see the puzzle finally solved.
If its really cursed….why not try to sacrifice a chickens or pig and used the blood around the area….just an idea
Luxi Turna
Just the thought gives you a raging boner.
eric ereric lange
I only question is that if treasure was buried how would they have buried it so well with no technology or equipment that with all the latest equipment we have today you cant find it.Take 10x, how could they have dug into shale and other extreme depths with out having a small army of slaves to dig with nothing but picks and shovels??
Just spent 6 hours watching, I guess, all of last year’s program…really looking forward to this coming year’s chapter in this saga. Anyone know when the new series begins?
Wesley Hindes
Let me and my team come in there and cement your water problems off so you can continue on. Call me @ 403-554-8217 Wes
More than enough money spent that a concrete wall could encompass the entire island. Pump out the water. Then the archeologists can dig with a spoon. They may dig to the treasure by time Jesus is ready to reveal the treasures that God has laid before us. The Righteous will guide the children Home. Where is your soal?
Robert Juberg
enjoy the exploration on the show. Oak island is a tuff nut to crack I believe they did the money pit so no one will find what ever is there on the island No one has found anything but little bits of stuff could this be just a tease and the real stuff some where else on the island?
You already know other entrances {maybe closures} on other sites on the island. I feel the “Money Pit” is a tease. Find signs it was here but gone now. Done? Too much thought and planing went into this. Back then and now. Only three answers. : 1.- All just a TV reality money thing. 2.- There are treasures that human kind aren’t ready to deal with in the least places they would look. To find it assures death except to the righteous. 3.- The treasures will only be released when Jesus walks again on this Earth with HIS children. Only the Righteous will receive His Love.
B & R Whalen
I,m glad to see you people took the advice we sent you last season to use a round basket down 10X.
When in high school we had required reading,Readers Digest.That article stayed with me to this very day. Keep going boys, Iife is nothing without a quest.I have been .with you from the start. And will be with you when you find the answer. Good luck and God Bless.
Stan and Sue Segur
I just watched the show where the diver is at the bottom of 10x.Im so excited.Can’t wait for the next show…..I so hope something is found……Good luck to everyone evolved…
james meleady
solve the mystery the people need to know whats buried on oak island.
A. T. Rolan
I just watched the 12/15/15 show titled “carved in stone” and found the discussion of the Aztec Empire and their quest for blue clay. I live in NC now but I am originally from Ga. In 2007, I traveled to the Atlantic Canada Section of the American Water Works Association for a meeting in St Johns, Newfound Land while serving as President of AWWA, 2006/2007. My wife and I drove there from NC and on our way back we visited the Gros Morne National Park.I remember seeing a geological map there that showed the geology from Georgia in the US to New Foundland was all essentially the same. The comment about blue clay at Oak Island and Georgia on this week’s show made me think about that map. Maybe there is an Aztec connection after all?
Teri Davis
Draw a line from the swamp to the moneypit…and at the halfway point on that line do an actual archaeological dig with grids and see what evidence you find in the screens!!!!
Ken Bicknell
I believe there is a treasure on Oak Island, but all the tunnels, wood beams, shafts
where created by the fool’s gold miners.I love metal detecting and think they should
get a large group and do the whole island.Also use more xray equipment.The TV
show is great but spends too much time by showing the same scenes and really
accomplishing very little but once again GREAT show.
i agree also, metal detecting would be a very good idea to find evidence that other people have had a presence on the island other than excavating 200ft holes for treasure, i do believe something happened as no smoke without fire but chests 200ft below ground, even the ark? 100’s of years ago with the water line so low am not so sure if this was possible unless the land or sea levels were different and have changed since, dont think my xlt will pick up much on the island but would love to try would make a nice change from castles in aberdeen scotland
sorry forgot to say great show but to much repeated info
This series has been and continues to be one of the most interesting reality shows out there. Started watching and got hooked during a series marathon. The show starts up again November 10th on the History channel and I can’t wait to see what the brothers discover next. I am a firm believer that something BIG is about to happen but wonder if the world will be ready.
The mystery of Oak Island comes back in November on the history channel. I can’t wait!
Atlantic diving with Phillip Irwin was the first to dive in money pit. Why wasn’t this told as the show started.
Mike cochran
It sounds like whoever designed the booby traps did their job. What if the money pit is designed to be a sophisticated distraction to just keep whoever is looking for something drawn to it..It sure has been doing that very well for a long time.
Nothing there people. Ha Ha…..Joke’s on all of you!!!!!!
Is the show ever coming back on?
Allegedly, it was the Knights Templar who buried the treasure there
greg firestone
for one i would go Diagonal like they done under the Hudson bay and another i would do the die test when the time of year the tide was puling out and was drawing the water out like a drain i be-leave the celestial moon works whith the tide i have other ideas but im just a Firestone with a head full of ideas.it would be fantastic to take a trip there with my 10 year old son to mule over what has Ben done on the island
Susan Lavalle
Has anyone thought that maybe the test didn’t work because it was done in 10X and not the money pit. These two pits might be feed by differnt water sources.
they wouldn’. Want the truth come out whatever it really is what if Shakespeare didn’t write any of his plays…and there was proof of that Would they really change the history books….when do we change the history books about Columbus also if there’s proof.
If they really made it a tourist attraction they found the treasure or whatever and hid it covered it up. No way they would stop. I have enough money to go there right now and get people to dig too. They are covering up something. . . .
You are correct in that. Getting very dirty now.
Evelyn Warrick
Having a ‘war room’ where secrets are shared between the members simply provides drama where none existed before;.
I’m kinda pissed that people stopped digging & turned it into a tourist sideshow. Wish someone would fund an expedition into the money pit.
It’s actually pretty amazing that someone made this ‘money pit’ & made it very difficult even with modern tech to get to the bottom. If who ever created the money pit wanted to hide something, it’s a good way to do it.
I’m really interested to know what’s at the bottom.
Yes I do believe that there is a secret to what’s on or in the islandS mystery but is the world ready to receive the results of what is uncovered
steve hartwell
What really bothers me is – it’s not like there are not quite a few rich Canadians. How come all of the treasure hunters for about the past 100 years are Americans ?
Speaking of, there’s a guy who emigrated north at young age and became a Canadian who’s written 3 books about the Knights Templar in North America, beginning with Nova Scotia in the late 1300s, Michael Bradley, that are never mentioned by anybody, but are very much at the centre of research sources these American treasure hunters today utilized to get started.
Just recently that American guy who claims to be a forensic geologist but never got any degree, honourary or otherwise, Scott Wolter, America Unearthed, did two episodes about the Templars in North America story, claiming ‘MY theory this’ and ‘MY theory that’ but because I’ve read all three of Bradley’s books, I know exactly where he and his episode researchers got most of their info for the episodes from – Bradley’s books.
If the moneypit and the floodingtunnels are such complex structures, how come that there aint any symplified structures found elsewhere wich we can asume to be studies for building the system on oak island.
Paul Tweddle
When truth is surrounded by lies and the truth blends with lies, where does the truth become misinformation and misdirection that theories become nothing more than a misdirected guess of folly.
Lord Paul
I agree, i’m convinced it has to do with the ark & holy grail.
billy holdaway
After watching the show i to belive there is something in the swamp and it is in the best interest to drain the swamp.