When it comes to odd and mysterious historical happenings, Canada has it all. From haunted lighthouses to sea monsters said to live in the lakes. Another amazing story which Canada can tell is that of the alien crash at Shag Harbor. Though most of the historical stories are from before the turn of the century, the alien crash at Shag Harbor took place in 1967.
One can draw many a conclusion about this event, since the object that supposedly crashed into the waters of the Gulf of Maine on the 4th of October 1967, was described by many as an object on fire that came with a whistling sound, followed by the sound of an explosion. Surely there are some who believe that it was a UFO and others simply hold the view that it was a stray missile from some military test run somewhere.
Whichever side of the fence you are on, one thing is certain. The incident was apparently taken seriously enough by officials that it warranted involvement from both Canadian government officials and United States government officials alike. The reporting of the incident is attributed to a local resident of Shag Harbor who called police and told them that it looked like an airplane crashed in the water. Upon arrival, police and rescue workers did see an object floating at the surface, and due to the fact that a plane crash was reported, they obviously assumed it to be an airplane.
Before they could set up a rescue operation for potential survivors of the crash, the object sank out of view. No air or water surface searches turned up any survivors or debris. The next day it also was obvious that there were no aircraft missing. Thoughts that the object had been an airplane or flare of some sort were quickly forgotten. But, what was that strange object that flew into the water that October day?
A dive team was set up that combed the bottom of the lake extensively and surprisingly enough, according to them, there was no evidence what so ever of a crash of any sort. No bodies, belongings, or crash debris were ever found. Ironically, where most UFO sightings are dismissed as airplane crashes, this airplane crash was dismissed as a UFO crash. It was officially labeled a ‘UFO Report” by the government officials.
S Stuart Clough
Perhaps the object traveled under water for a considerable distance before taking off again with aerial flight . . .